Review: ifi audio PRO iCAN

iFi_PRO_iCAN_Review_HiFiPhilosophy_ENG   I’m very pleased to announce that a product so noteworthy that I would love to have it on my own has arrived on the market. It’s not my usual way of categorizing audiophile innovations. Usually the division is more reasonable like expensive, medium, cheap or extraordinary, good, bad. Surely this way is more rational and professional, but at times one experiences something called an impulse. Such spontaneous reactions reflect wisdom derived from subconsciousness, which ignores the procedures established by the  ratio, hitting you straight from emotional sphere and something called wanting. Whether you want something or avoid something is not a question of deliberate behavior, in any case, not among those who react spontaneously as opposed to those calculated people who try to win the world with cleverness. Admittedly, the simple-minded “I want” can be just a caprice, but I’m not talking about temporary whimsies like when you feel like having a donut, I’m talking about an internal urge that appears on its own and prevails. Like when you yearn to buy something and you just can’t do without it. Some say that the best way to fall out of love is to get married, but that’s plain bullshit. It might happen sometimes, but more often when you really love somebody, you want to be with that person for the rest of your life. Of course I don’t want to talk you into building a serious relationship with ifi PRO iCAN headphone amplifier. I just want to point out that it is special in that sense that it can generate this strong desire that can be satisfied only with purchase.

I have to clarify one more thing: I’m not saying I would get rid of the amp I have now, the good old Twin-Head standing behind me. I just whish I had ifi PRO iCAN at the computer – and I wish it so much. Because it’s really something. I’m sure there are much better ones, like RudiStor Dual Mono or Appex Pinnacle. But first, they are more expensive (much, much more) and second, they are not as handy. Because this one is just perfect – not too big or too small – and it has lots of power supported by tubes, and when you connect it to a good converter, using a good interconnect and plug some nice headphones in, the result is so fantastic that the urge to have it is starting to burn you.

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4 komentarzy w “Review: ifi audio PRO iCAN

  1. Tadeusz pisze:

    A w polish version też będzie ? 🙂

    1. PIotr Ryka pisze:

      W polskiej już jest od jakiegoś czasu 🙂

  2. Tadeusz pisze:

    Dzięki ,chyba muszę częściej wchodzić na tę stronę bo nie ogarniam wszystkiego 🙂

    1. PIotr Ryka pisze:

      Zapraszamy. Drzwi zawsze stoją otworem…

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